$2,175,000 and $225,000 Settlements in a Two-Plaintiff Trial -Drunk driver causes head-on collision
Excerpt From MediVisuals, Inc.
Congratulations to Werner R. Meissner for the $2.175 million and $225,000 settlements he obtained on behalf of his clients. The Plaintiffs suffered multiple injuries when the defendant, who was intoxicated, crashed his work pickup truck into the Plaintiffs’ vehicle.
The Plaintiff driver suffered multiple injuries, including fractures of the left distal femur and lateral aspect of the left patella, a left ulnar fracture, fractures of the right fibula and tibia, and bilateral L2 and L3 left transverse process fractures.
There was also discussion on the need for future bone grafting and knee replacement surgery.
The passenger Plaintiff suffered extensive bruising and abrasions to her left hip and chest as well as multiple lacerations to both shins. She was diagnosed with a sacral spine lesion, a bony fragment in the right C4 transverse process, a left lung contusion, cervicalgia/neck injury, and anxiety. She received psychotherapy treatment for her emotional injuries and lumbar epidural injections for her back injury.
The Defendant crashed the work pickup truck he was driving head-on into the plaintiffs’ vehicle and was also found to have a blood alcohol level of .15 along with opiates and barbiturates in his system. Mr. Meissner argued that despite knowledge of the Defendant’s prior history of multiple convictions for driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs, the Defendant's company negligently hired, supervised, and retained the Defendant and negligently entrusted the work truck to him.
The Defense filed a motion for summary adjudication of issues on the course and scope of employment issue and claimed the accident happened while the defendant was on a personal errand, five hours after he had 'clocked off' from work. The Defense also claimed the driver Plaintiff did not need a knee replacement and was able to return to work.
Mr. Meissner partnered with MediVisuals to develop multiple illustrations of the Plaintiff’s significant injuries and surgeries.